The Doctors’ Breastfeeding Clinic is open to ensure the most vulnerable in our community are protected. Call for an appointment.
We are taking necessary precautions and that the MDs have made infant and mother care their priority and are therefore not working in ER or Covid assessment centers. Additional measures are being taken to minimize close contact in the clinic.

Welcome to the Doctors’ Breastfeeding Clinic Website
We are a patient-centered clinic focused on helping mothers and babies with breastfeeding. Our goal is for you to meet your goal and have a successful breastfeeding experience
It is with sadness that we say goodbye to Dr. Hwang as she leaves us to go south to the United States. We are happy to welcome Dr. Trojan who has trained with Dr. Manson over the past year.

World Health Organization
“Breastfeeding, and in particular exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a child’s life, ranks among the most effective interventions for improving child survival and health. While there are encouraging trends in breastfeeding rates in a few countries, global data show that less than 40 percent of infants under six months of age are exclusively breastfed today. This underachievement in turn contributes to the unnecessary deaths of over a million children each year – lives that could be saved if mothers and families were adequately encouraged and supported to breastfeed.”
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Canadian Paediatric Society Recommendations
“The Canadian Paediatric Society recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life for healthy, term infants. Breast milk is the optimal food for infants and breastfeeding may continue for up to two years and beyond.”
“This recommendation proposed by the CPS Nutrition Committee and adopted by the Board of Directores in March 2005, extends the duration of exclusive breastfeeding from the former range of 4-6 months. It is also consistent with recently published recommendations from Health Canada and the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Breastfeeding. These changes follow the World Health Organizations’s 2001 recommendation that exclusive breastfeeding continue for six months. The WHO defines exclusive breastfeeding as the practice of feeding only breast milk (including expressed breast milk) and allows the baby to receive vitamins, minerals or medicine. Water, breast milk subsitutes, other liquids and solid foods are excluded.”

American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations
“Pediatricians and parents should be aware that exclusive breastfeeding is sufficient to support optimal growth and development for approximately the first 6 months of life. and provides continuing protection against diarrhea and respiratory tract infections. Breastfeeding should be continued for at least the first year of life and beyond for as long as mutually desired by mother and child.”
The Doctors’ Breastfeeding Clinic has helped me tremendously! When my son was diagnosed with Down Syndrome shortly after his birth, the nurses at the hospital told me that he wouldn’t be strong enough or capable of breast-feeding, in addtion to having low muscle-tone, developmental delay and have a compromised immune system. They advised me to formula feed him, but I really wanted to try to breastfeed because I knew that this would be beneficial for him. So I sought the help of five different lactation consultants after we were discharged from the hospital, because we were dealing with nipple confusion and latch issues. After several consultations I still had a lot of difficulties and I was extremely frustrated and ready to give up!. Then a friend told me about Dr. Manson and her breastfeeding clinic. I went to see Carolyn (the lactation consultant) and Dr. Manson on a weekly basis and both of them were so patient and caring – it is only with their support that I have been successfully breastfeeding. My son who is now 9 months old is breastfeeding successfully; has excellent muscle one; is on track with his development and has hardly been sick at all, thanks to his strong immune system. His doctors and therapists attribute all of these, to him being breastfed! I am extremely grateful and can’t thank Carolyn and Dr. Manson enough for all their incredible help and support.
My son refused to breast feed for 6 weeks. For the first three weeks, I went to other clinics in my city and they said that I should be more open to bottle feeding. They then dismissed me as a patient. As a first time mother, I really wanted to have the experience of breast feeding. Even though I was pumping, and my son was still getting my milk, I was determined to make it work.
Feeling defeated, I decided to take the trek fromOakville toBrampton to visit Dr. Manson and her crew. They spent many days with me each week and were very diligent making sure that I gained confidence to succeed. My son was soon able to breast feed using a breast sheild, and 3 weeks later, he latched on without any aids. From that day on, my son ate like a champ and my breast feeding experience became a pleasure. A heart filled thanks to Dr. Manson and her crew for changing my mental being and making my experience a rewarding one that I will always remember.
I had a lot of trouble breastfeeding, and visited three different lactation consultants, Dr. Newman and Dr. Manson at the Doctor’s Breastfeeding Clinic. For the first eight weeks of my son’s life, I went to a different doctor every second day to do a weight check and to search for answers as to why I wasn’t producing enough milk. The most positive experience I had was with the Doctor’s Breastfeeding Clinic. The services were covered by OHIP (which was very appreciated considering I spent a small fortune on herbs and seeing Dr. Newman) and Dr. Manson was knowledgeable, kind and compassionate. She was the first and only one to suggest to me that I may never be able to exclusively breastfeed (due to a severe lack of glandular tissue, I never had milk “come in”, engorgement, let down and never produced more than about an ounce per feeding), but that it was worth continuing anyway. She helped me learn to supplement at the breast, and actually admitted that not everyone produces enough milk (every other clinic and doctor I saw said that everyone produces enough). She made me realize that I was doing everything I could and that my situation wasn’t my fault but that any amount of breastfeeding would be beneficial to my baby.
My baby will be a year old next week and we are still nursing twice a day, mostly for comfort. I have pretty much no milk left, but he enjoys the bonding and it comforts him better than anything else. I am glad that I was encouraged by Dr. Manson to persevere despite my challenges. She is also the only doctor that told me that she is willing and open to explore things that may help me produce more milk next time.